Having fire extinguishers installed in a building is the first line of defense in the event of a fire. It’s important to have a modern and well-maintained range of extinguishers throughout the building, and it’s equally important to have people who know how to use them effectively.

At Ohmtech, we understand the significance of properly fitted fire extinguishers and the role that regular fire extinguisher testing plays in fire control and prevention. We provide premier fire extinguisher services that include certification, classification, testing, inspection, maintenance, and recertification.

We also offer fire extinguisher classes that give people the skills, knowledge, and confidence to tackle fires effectively and gain certification. Different types of fires require different types of extinguishers, and using the wrong one can make the situation more dangerous. Therefore, good fire extinguisher classification is essential.

We provide comprehensive expert training to ensure that people in the building know when it’s appropriate to use different extinguishers, how to do it, and when it’s safe or unsafe to attempt it. Our classes can save lives.

We offer adaptable and affordable plans for all kinds of buildings and developments. Get in touch with us to find out more and get a quote. Trust us to provide the fire extinguisher inspection, maintenance, training, and recertification you need to stay safe and within Vancouver law.

Call Today at 778-869-0053


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