Fire alarms are perhaps the most effective element of fire equipment when ensuring that everybody in your building is protected in the event of a fire. However, in order to be offer full protection, every fire alarm in a building needs to be functioning optimally. This, unfortunately, is something that many people overlook.

The first important step to ensuring your fire alarms are able to protect you is to make sure you have a professional fire alarm installation. Ohmtech provides a comprehensive fire alarm system installation for all types of buildings.

Self-installation can be a big mistake and is a frighteningly common shortcut taken in many buildings. Not only can improper installation invalidate insurance, but it can also be a serious hazard. Without a proper understanding of how fire alarms work and how different building can have an impact on the effectiveness of fire alarm systems, you could end up with a system that is unable to offer full protection in the event of a fire.

At Ohmtech, our years of industry experience mean that we understand the proper placement of alarms. We assess each and every building in-depth, taking into account the intricacies that make the layout of every building unique. We are experts in the field of fire equipment, fire alarm testing, fire alarm inspection, fire alarm systems and more.

Once you have had a proper fire alarm system installation, the next big step in ensuring protection is regular, expert inspection and fire alarm testing. Over time, batteries fail and components wear out, rendering alarms useless or far less effective than they should be.

Ohmtech’s expert inspectors take care of everything for you. Once we’ve completed your fire alarm installation, we’ll come in periodically to perform a full fire alarm inspection. We’ll test all the alarms, change any batteries if necessary and do whatever is needed to make sure the system is working optimally.

You can be secure in the knowledge that your system is at functioning perfectly and you are fully protected.

We offer a range of adaptable, affordable plans for all kinds of buildings and developments. Get in touch to find out more and get a quote.

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